Au pair,
19 år gammal måla | |
Kenyan nationalitet | |
Bor i kenya | |
Söker arbete som au pair |
3 många års erfarenhet med barnomsorg |
Senaste inloggning
Wednesday 21. Feb 2024
Wednesday 21. Feb 2024
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My name is Jesse Francis and I am 18 years old. I come from a big family of 8 which consists of my mother and siblings. I was born in Nairobi, cleared high school in 2023 but I am yet to start my college career. Even though I am introverted, I love getting out of the box and socializing with people because I believe that I can learn so much from interacting with others other than locking myself up in my room. I do enjoy playing my guitar, trying to compose and sample songs. I have a passion for music and arts. I know that this can benefit the host children especially in a society that pays not much attention to nurturing talents. I love traveling and exploring new places. I have traveled with my family a lot except only in Kenya. I would like to go to a different country which has a different culture and climate so that I can experience what it feels like to see snow or to get very low temperatures.
I love taking care of children of any age. I have had opportunities to babysit my two younger siblings, my cousins and my mother’s friends children. I can help the children with their homework, tidy up the house (I learned this from my parents and siblings), cook and do grocery shopping. I am a very honest and kind hearted person and if you give me this opportunity I will prove to you that I am the candidate you have been looking for.
I also love things to do with computers. My passion is to one day be an IT specialist. I know things work different in other parts of the world thanks to technology for exposing this to people like me but I know that I will blend in well with your family.
I like listening to music, educational podcasts, reading books and watching documentaries. On my free time I play basketball and soccer.
If you would like to know more about me please do not hesitate to contact me. I will be pleased to answer any questions. Thank you for taking time to read this message.
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Familje Nationalitet
British | |
Tysk | |
spanska | |
franska | |
mexikanska | |
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Tidigaste startdatum
30-05-2024 |
Senaste startdatum
10-06-2024 |
Kortast Nanny krävs
6 månad (er) |
Längsta perioden Nanny krävs
12 månad (er) |
Tar hand om barn under 2 år | |
Tar hand om barn med särskilda behov | |
Har körkort | |
Har utbildning i första hjälpen | |
Kommer att ta hand husdjur | |
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