Au pair,
28 år gammal kvinna | |
Filippinare nationalitet | |
Bor i Filippinerna | |
Söker arbete som au pair |
5 många års erfarenhet med barnomsorg |
Senaste inloggning
Saturday 15. Feb 2025
Tuesday 21. May 2024
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Dear future host family,
I am May-Ann, 27 years old and currently living in the Philippines. As a fourth child in the family, I had the opportunity to take care of my nieces and nephews from my older siblings as they grow up and I can confidently say that I am child-friendly and you can trust me with kids without any worries. I am an aspiring Au pair and I love spending time with kids, thus several of my interests involve children. Playing with them, go on a stroll outside, prepare meals with them, or assist them with their homework. I have a strong commitment to them and strong concern for their safety. I can also do housework from time to time if I am not really occupied and would gladly do so. I love reading them stories especially bed time stories.. I have a strong commitment to them and strong concern for their safety. Being with children gives me happiness whenever I am with them because they remind me to see the world differently.
I am the 4th child in the 5siblings. 3 sisters and 1 brother. My mother is a simple housewife with a little store in our home while my father is a construction worker. I don't have relationship as of now since I am focusing on myself and my personal growth to be a better version of me.
Additionally, I am willing to study the native language in your country to communicate effectively with the host family as well as learn the culture in the said country. I am a friendly person and I like to read and paint in my spare time. I love learning different cultures as it helps me know the country and its people deeply.
I also had been a house helper when I was 18 years old from a good family in my city for a year. I helped them to do household chores such as cleaning the house, cooking, doing laundry and the dishes. Since my employer was a chef, I had the opportunity to help her with making great dishes and baking cakes for her food catering business. They also have a lovely dog named Panchito whom I love to take on a walk, feed and play with every afternoon.
During my university years, I had a baby sitting job for 3 years in which I took care of a now 4 year old kid whenever his parents are at work and there’s no available aunt or nieces to take care of him. And as an aspiring photographer I do this little themed photoshoot with him whenever his birthday is coming up which her parents really love and they put it on the invitation letters and banners during his birthdays.
My native language is Filipino but i am also fluent in English. I am much more willing to learn your language and lately been learning it through the Duolingo app in order to communicate effectively with my future host family. I aspire to be an Au pair because I know my experience as an Au Pair will give me will give me opportunities to learn my strength and improve my weakness and be a better version of myself.
My values in life is to always push yourself to the limits as you will never know your true capabilities if you wouldn't take the opportunities to get out of your comfort zone and explore new things. I believe that this will help us know our true self and help us grow as a person.
Förväntad lön
4.000 - 4.500 DKK per månad |
Bo i |
Heltid |
Familje Nationalitet
dansk | |
British | |
finska | |
Tysk | |
swiss | |
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{{result}} |
Tidigaste startdatum
01-07-2024 |
Senaste startdatum
01-12-2024 |
Kortast Nanny krävs
12 månad (er) |
Längsta perioden Nanny krävs
24 månad (er) |
engelsk | |
filippinare |
{{result}} |
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finland | |
Norge | |
schweiz | |
Sverige |
{{result}} |
Tar hand om barn under 2 år | |
Tar hand om barn med särskilda behov | |
Har körkort | |
Har utbildning i första hjälpen | |
Kommer att ta hand husdjur | |
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