Au pair, Tyskland Premium
26 år gammal kvinna
Brasilianska nationalitet
Bor i Tyskland
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Tuesday 18. Feb 2025
Tuesday 18. Feb 2025
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Dear host family! My name is Geane! I am Brazilian and 26 years old. I worked as an au pair in Germany and am currently doing a social year in a nursing home here. I would like to become an au pair again to practice my english skills in your country and lern more about your culture. I don't have a preference for a specific country, but as I want to improve my English, it could be in England, Ireland or some Scandinavian country like Sweden or Denmark. I would describe myself as an open-minded, organized, proactive, caring and patient person.I like to learn new things. I always want to become more mature and every day learn more from life. My family consists of my father, my mother, me and my youngest sister. I have a great relationship with my family and they are very important to me. I have been living here for a while but we keep in touch every day, I miss them a lot and they miss me too, but they are happy that I am here because they know that it is a very good experience for me, to live here. I also have many uncles, aunts and cousins. A few friends in Brazil and now a few friends here too. I have completed high school. And I started studying Languages and Literature in the University but I didn't finish. In my free time I like to read interesting books, listen to music and podcasts. I like going to the gym or going for walks. I like cooking and going out with friends to nice restaurants and bars. Experience with kids: I worked as a nanny in Brazil and also did volunteer work with children at church. My other experience was working for one year as an au pair here in Germany. I took care of three children. A sweet 1 year old baby girl, and two boys aged 6 and 8. It was a great experience, I learned a lot about German culture and the language. I loved spending time with the children, playing with them, cooking together or doing something outdoors. My time with all the kids I worked with was wonderful, inspiring and very learning for me. I love to be with children and doing activities with them. I like to understand their particularities and personalities. I like being responsible for them and being someone they can trust. My Language skills My mother language is Portuguese. This is the language we speak in Brazil. I speak English as a second language. At the moment I have been learning German as a third language. I would really like to have some time during my exchange as an au pair in your country to take an English course. I have decided to become an Au Pair because I love taking care of children. and to do this at the same time I am working and having a new experience in another country will be incredible. I hope this experience in Austria will be very important to improve my German too. And I think that this will be very good in my future professionally. I would like to have a family that makes me feel welcome. I want to have a great relationship and comunication with my future host family. A family that treat me well, and help me to introduce me a little bit into the country during the time I will be there. I will do my best to be a great au pair to your family too. I am open to being responsible for the children, I can cook and doing some housework too. I just wish you had some access to public transport in your city. If you like my profile too, I will excited waiting for your contact, I want to know different places and a different way of life in your family, which will make part of my life and it will be unforgettable! Certainly we have a lot of good ideas and experiences to exchange.
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