8520 Lystrup,
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onsdag 17. sep 2014
onsdag 17. sep 2014
We are a busy family with 3 boys. age 13,7 and 6 years old..
We have our ovn compagny and really need stabile help during the day.
The days will look like this:
Monday to Friday:
Start at work around 11-12
Household like laundry, hoovering, dusting and wash floors, go to supermarket and get things for dinner .
Children come home from 14-16.30. Give them a snack and spend a little time mayby outside or play a game. Make dinner ready for 6 o´clock. ( we eat everything allmost )
After dinner your day is finish and you can leave until next day .
In the agreement we need help from morning if children are sick, and one saturday evning pr. month for us to go out.
We are a happy family, who is use to have girls here. and have ended our contracts every time. The reason you cant live with us is we have moved a dont have a spear room for you.
We need a girl who can handle 3 boys, make activityes with them and be independent and trustfull.
We have our ovn compagny and really need stabile help during the day.
The days will look like this:
Monday to Friday:
Start at work around 11-12
Household like laundry, hoovering, dusting and wash floors, go to supermarket and get things for dinner .
Children come home from 14-16.30. Give them a snack and spend a little time mayby outside or play a game. Make dinner ready for 6 o´clock. ( we eat everything allmost )
After dinner your day is finish and you can leave until next day .
In the agreement we need help from morning if children are sick, and one saturday evning pr. month for us to go out.
We are a happy family, who is use to have girls here. and have ended our contracts every time. The reason you cant live with us is we have moved a dont have a spear room for you.
We need a girl who can handle 3 boys, make activityes with them and be independent and trustfull.
Foretrækker en person af alderen
22 - 30 år |
1 år |
Forventet ugentligt arbejdstimer
25 - 30 timer |
Forventet løn
3.250 - 3.500 DKK pr. uge |
Egen bolig |
Tidligste start dato
Ikke angivet |
Seneste start dato
Ikke angivet |
Kortest ansættelsesperiode
12 måned(-er) |
Længeste ansættelsesperiode
24 måned(-er) |
Dansk | |
Engelsk |
{{result}} |
Ikke angivet |
Vil passe børn under 2 år | |
Vil passe børn med specielle behov | |
Har kørekort | |
Har førstehjælpsbevis | |
Vil passe dyr | |
Kan svømme |
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