Au pair, Danmark
24 årige kvinde
Kenyansk nationalitet
Bor i Danmark
Søger job som au pair
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søndag 02. mar 2025
fredag 31. jan 2025
Hello to future host families, my name is Keziah. I am a 24 year old Kenyan citizen from Kenya but currently an aupair in Sweden. I was raised in a family of four kids , I being a second born , my sister being the eldest and my two younger brothers. One is 15 years old, he is autistic and non-verbal, and our last born who is a bubbly genius 12 year old. I have Kenyan citizenship and a valid passport and currently I live in Sweden as an aupair to a host family with mom, dad, three amazing girls and one baby boy on the way. I am fluent in English and Swahili, I know little Danish and I'm currently learning swedish. Hello to future host families, my name is Keziah. I am a 24 year old Kenyan citizen from Kenya but currently an aupair in Sweden. I was raised in a family of four kids , I being a second born , my sister being the eldest and my two younger brothers. One is 15 years old, he is autistic and non-verbal, and our last born who is a bubbly genius 12 year old. I have Kenyan citizenship and a valid passport and currently I live in Sweden as an aupair to a host family with mom, dad, three amazing girls and one baby boy on the way. I am fluent in English and Swahili, I know little Danish and I'm currently learning swedish Experience In August 2024, I got an opportunity to come to Europe(Denmark) to experience the Danish language and culture at an højskole. My stay at the school ended in november 2024 and I came to Sweden to work as an aupair since I was interested in learning the language and culture outside the walls of a classroom and in a family set up. I want to be an aupair/ nanny/ caregiver since I have passion with working with children and the elderly. I have always loved children since I was young I would want to hold babies and babysit them and play with them and when I grew up I developed interests in being a caregiver for both children and the elderly. My passion was fueled when my autistic brother was born and living in a third world country where autism is not well known, we faced challenges and struggled to find someone who would understand and take care of him and in the end we ended up being that person. I had to learn patience and resilience when raising him, the right patterns and food and managing stress and that added in my experience and skills in caregiving. Also back home I was an active Sunday school teacher and always volunteered in children's homes and elderly homes. I dedicated most of my times to kids, teaching them and spending time them because their emotional, mental and physical needs will always be my concern. I chose to be an aupair/ nanny since my skills in child care provision along with my positive attitude and friendly nature position me to excel in being an aupair. I am eager to accept a new opportunity to make a positive difference in your children's lives and in exchange I get to learn a new language and culture from you and make meaningful connections and friendship that will last even when we part ways. About me I have a very bubbly personality with a warm and receptive nature, I love smiling ( I am always smiling) I am very easy going and very understanding. I accept constructive criticism as a way of learning and adding to my experience. I love swimming, cycling, learning new cultures and languages, hiking, travelling, watching animations and geographical documentaries, reading and volunteering especially with the elderly and children. I love animals , I have a pet cat back at home ,his name is nala and I love him so so much. I had dogs ( silver and sky) but they passed away. I am a very patient person, non-violent and I am adept in attending to the behavioral needs of children each according to their age and personalities. I excel at engaging children with games and puzzles to boost their thinking and as an icebreaker. I enjoy and appreciate the little things in life. My calm personality has afforded me a well rounded skill set including fast rate communication and problem solving. After my aupair experience I would like to be a nanny or a caregiver and save enough to enroll in nursing school in the future. I am available to start so feel free to reach out Incase you have any questions or if you would want to schedule an interview.
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