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Au pair, Filippinerne Premium
24 årige kvinde
Filippinsk nationalitet
Bor i Filippinerne
Søger job som au pair
5 års erfaring med børnepasning
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Har førstehjælpsbevis
Sidst log ind
onsdag 15. jan 2025
onsdag 15. jan 2025
Greetings! My name is Edna L. Comique, currently 23 years old. I studied Bachelor of Science in Agroforestry at University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines. Unfortunately I stopped going to school due to pandemic and started working as a pastry chef after the pandemic. As of now, I am in searching for a host family who can happily accept an applicant from the Philippines. I’ve been interested in working overseas and be an AU pair in a foreign country because I wanted to experience and learn the different kinds of living and culture. Some of my best attributes include: Being kind, open-minded, friendly, trustworthy, and flexible, especially in doing different things, for I would always tend to seek out for new adventures to learn and experience. My mother’s dialect; is Cebuano, and came to be fluent both in Filipino and English as I went through my years in education, and I am eager to learn your language as well. I can tell that undergoing cultural immersion will do a lot of good for me in a way that it will be an eye opener where I can see my life through a different lens and perspective. It allows me to open my eyes to new possibilities and opportunities to grow holistically. I came from a small family of five. I also get along with my cousins, nephews, and nieces. We sing, dance, play, and eat together. Being with kids for a long time made me realize how I am fond to the idea of taking care of them. I love how they can be so innocent and sweet, which makes me want to reminisce my childhood days back then. Taking care of children gives me that sense of responsibility to nurture them in little ways that I can provide. For nearly three years, I've been a caregiver or nanny in Dubai. My primary duties involve starting my day at 4:30 am to prepare breakfast and pack lunch for the two kids I care for, ages 3 and 8. I assist them in getting ready for school and then proceed to clean the house by dusting, vacuuming, organizing, and washing the floors. Additionally, I handle laundry and ironing twice a week, and sometimes I also cook nutritious dinners for the family. Aside from children, I have also experienced taking care of the elderly for I am currently living with my Auntie. I worked as a babysitter last April 2016 to January 2017. The host family had 2 children, Martha Bettina, who was 7 years old, and Monique, who was 7 months old. During those months, I have been taking care of the children, such as preparing food, changing clothes, taking baths, cleaning, and preparing things before letting the children go to school while their parents are at work. From August 2020 to November 2021, I am babysitting 2 boys from a good family friend near our place—Sebastian (6) and Marshall (4). I assist these children in their studies, as well as preparing meals and taking them outside to do recreational activities. Before sleeping, I also tend to read them bedtime stories and once they are asleep, it will then be the time for me to clean and organize the children's' room, wash the dishes in the kitchen, and iron clothes. The next day, I prepare healthy meals for them. Speaking of preparing meals, I also am proficient in cooking where I often prepare local Filipino dishes and other nationalities of some sort, such as simple Italian and Mexican dishes. Aside from cooking, I also bake occasionally. In certain family occasions, I mostly help around the kitchen—cooking meals to be enjoyed by my family members. If given the chance, I would wholeheartedly like to open a new chapter of my life with your family where I can grow as a person and experience a lot of opportunities. Also, It would be an honor and pleasure for me to share the beauty of my culture to your family through various ways. Aside from taking care of the children, I can also provide additional services where I can do household chores—hoping to provide the best service possible to my host family. It is and will always be my pleasure to meet and speak with you in answering your inquiries about my childcare experience. It is also through this opportunity where I got to know your family and interests to the AU pair arrangement. Thank you very much for taking interest in my application. I look forward to hearing from you. Respectfully Yours, Edna L. Comique
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