Au pair, Filippinerne
19 årige kvinde
Filippinsk nationalitet
Bor i Filippinerne
Søger job som au pair
0 års erfaring med børnepasning
Sidst log ind
mandag 12. feb 2024
mandag 05. feb 2024
Hi im Lorain Kate Lareza, but you can call me Kate for short.. im from philippines im 17 year old and about to turned 18 this October 31.. i know all of you are searching for 18 to 20+years old .. i just wondered if it’s possible to be in here even tho im 17 and bout to turn 18 .. even tho i look this young for you all .. i wanted you to know that i know how to cook simple foods and i love to bake sweets too.. i u wonder why i already knew how to cook its because of my mom .. she starts to teach me and my siblings to cook in early age so we can cook if ever we live alone in our house.. i started to love cooking and wishing in my college to take a culinary course .. im still in school now studying for my last year of being an high schooler.. i open this au pair site because i would love to help your family .. i love kids and i will love them like my own brother and sister.. i have experience in taking care of a kid i have a cousin who have a 13yo 9yo and the youngest is 2yo.. im the one who’s taking care of them when they’re parents are out and needs someone who can watch and take care of them.. i also experienced being with them in a whole week and i always prepared in the morning for their school lunches.. and i guide them in their school works.. and in weekends i cook for them i know how to cook some filipino dishes thats why im able to be with them that long without there parents.. i do wash dishes .. make the laundry.. make my niece a bottle of milk and play with her too i think that’s my experience.. i really need this job.. my mom is a ofw in bharain and her salary is not enough for us to survive:( and i have a sister who is in college now and her tuition’s is so high that my mom’s small salary has to pay her bills, and i have two younger sister and brother who is in highschool and preschool it’s been hard for us sometimes to survive.. but we still can survive.. i make money for my self now .. im a working student in a restaurant.. im a helper.. a waitress and sometimes a dishwasher.. i only have school schedule in tuesday and thursday only and i work every monday wednesday friday and weekends.. im earning small amount of money but it’s okay because i can still afford to get to bus and get to school. that’s why im starting to think about if i can be an au pair.. i really hope that i have a chance to be pick by a good family that can understand my situation and give me a chance to help there family and child.. if ever someone gave me a chance my mom will help me for my passport and other needs to be an aupair.. i hope there’s still someone who has a good heart thankyou🥺
Forventet løn
200 - 300 EUR pr. time
Ingen foretrukken
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Fuldtid eller deltid
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12 måned(-er)
Længeste ansættelsesperiode
24 måned(-er)
United States
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