Au pair,
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27 årige kvinde | |
Brasiliansk nationalitet | |
Bor i Brasilien | |
Søger job som au pair |
6 års erfaring med børnepasning | |
Har førstehjælpsbevis |
Sidst log ind
søndag 26. maj 2024
søndag 26. maj 2024
Hello! ☺️
I'm Amanda Silva, from Brazil!
Better than talking about myself is hearing what people have to say about me. I separated this excerpt from the recommendation letter I received from 2 families where I worked as a nanny (letters of recommendation are in my profile). I hope this helps you understand a little about my personality and who I am :)
"Amanda is a very fun girl, she spent time with us taking care of our baby named Enzo. When Amanda started her babysitting job with us, Enzo was 6 month, he was a newborn. Amanda was an important person in our life , I confess that without her help many things would not have worked out... When Amanda arrived at our house we were afraid of handing our baby over to someone new to take care of, but Amanda was born for this, she has an admirable gift. She helped us In the early hours of the morning, she helped us when we needed to travel or go on a date. If you want to hire Amanda, don't hesitate because she is a once-in-a-lifetime chance",
"Saying something about Amanda is easy, just like her. Amanda is the best nanny we've had in all these years, she adapts, takes care and you can clearly see how important her children are to her. A sweet, kind girl"
In addition to the recommendations I received, I would like to share some important information about myself:
- I am independent and open-minded
- I have been working with children for 9 years. (I have diverse experience caring for newborns and children of different ages).
- I've lived alone for 4 years, I'm responsible for organizing my house, preparing my food, shopping at the supermarket and I love doing it! (I will be happy to do the same for you).
- I cook very well (and I love doing it). I will be happy to prepare typical Brazilian dishes, I'm sure you will love them! 😋
- Due to my experience working with newborns, I am used to hectic routines, so I am very flexible and can take care of your children at alternating times, during the early hours or on weekends.
- I have no problems if I need help with household chores (cleaning, cooking...). I am a collaborative and very flexible person.
🐶 I have 1 dog called Théo (he is the love of my life), I love animals and I have no problems living with them
- I love sports, 3 times a week I go to the gym near my house and take diving classes (I left a photo on my profile for you to check).
- I like to lead a healthy lifestyle, I love camping and I like being in contact with nature. I've lived on the beach and I love the sea!
I feel ready to live this experience and do my best, helping your family and collaborating with their needs. If I could be part of your family, that would be amazing :)
Forventet løn
Til forhandling |
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Jobbets type
Fuldtid |
Familiens nationalitet
Luxembourgske | |
Kenyansk |
Tidligste start dato
13-05-2024 |
Seneste start dato
13-06-2024 |
Kortest ansættelsesperiode
1 måned(-er) |
Længeste ansættelsesperiode
24 måned(-er) |
Engelsk | |
Portuguese | |
Spansk |
Danmark | |
Luxembourg | |
Sverige |
Vil passe børn under 2 år | |
Vil passe børn med specielle behov | |
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