Amerikanisch nationalität
Lebt in USA
Suche nach einem au-pair
Letzte Anmeldung
Dienstag 28. Jan 2025
Mittwoch 29. Jan 2025
Dear Au Pair, Welcome to our family! We are excited about the year ahead and the opportunity for you to experience life in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Our town is a beautiful beach destination with an amazing community, local shops, restaurants, and even an aquarium just down the road. We're a loving and active family, always balancing outdoor adventures with cozy family time. We are the Yensick family—Jacqueline (me – I go by Jacque, pronounced "Jack-y"), my husband Marcus, our son Woodrow, and our 2-year-old Bernedoodle, Winston. We live just minutes from the beach in a home that’s perfect for both relaxation and play. Woodrow was born on November 21, 2024, and is a calm, happy baby who loves his sleep and bath time! Winston is a playful goofball who loves people and gets along with other dogs. We’re lucky to have a large backyard for outdoor activities, and we’re next door to a playground and pool, so there’s always something to explore. We enjoy staying active as a family—whether it’s a day at the beach, hiking, or cycling nearby. Marcus is a runner, and I enjoy yoga and cooking. We often make meals together and spend time as a family. I have nannying experience and am dedicated to giving Woodrow the best care and attention. Both Marcus and I work full-time. Marcus is an officer in the Navy and has a demanding work schedule this year, with frequent travel and deployment expected to start at the end of June. When he is home, his work schedule is typically from 7 AM to 4 PM during the week. I work remotely as a project manager, usually from 9 AM to 5 PM. We have two cars, one of which will always be available for you to use. We value our date nights and family weekends, which include walks, trips to the beach, and church on Sundays. You are welcome to join in on these activities or enjoy your free time as you wish. I have family in Florida, and Marcus and I both have family in Ohio, so traveling to see them can be an option for you. We are looking for an au pair who will care for Woodrow like your own and become a trusted member of our family. Honesty and open communication are important to us, and we hope you’ll enjoy the outdoors, family activities, and the peaceful time we share together. Being so close to the beach and parks, we know you'll have many opportunities for fun. We hope this gives you a sense of our family, and we are excited to spend the year with you! If you are looking for a supportive, welcoming family to join, we’d love to hear from you! Warmly, Jacque, Marcus, Woodrow, and Winston
Bevorzugt eine Person in der Altersgruppe
21 - 26 jahre
1 jahre
Erforderliche Arbeitsstunden durch das Profil
40 - 45 stunden
800 - 800 USD pro stunde
Wohne in
Frühester Starttermin
Spätmöglichstes Startdatum
Kürzester Zeitraum, in dem das Kindermädchen benötigt wird
9 monat(e)
Längste Zeit in der das Kindermädchen erforderlich ist
12 monat(e)
Kümmert sich um Kinder unter 2 Jahren
Kümmert sich um Kinder mit besonderen Bedürfnissen
Hat Führerschein
Hat Ausbildung in Erster Hilfe
Kümmert sich um Haustiere
Kann schwimmen
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Ihre Nachricht an Jacqueline wurde gesendet