7500 Holstebro,
Dänisch nationalität | |
Lebt in Dänemark | |
Suche nach einem au-pair |
Letzte Anmeldung
Freitag 30. Mrz 2018
Sonntag 08. Okt 2017
Hi! We are a danish/Norwegian/ American family hoping to find a someone who will help us take care of our wonderful children. We have a baby boy who is 2 months and a 3 year old daughter. We would like to find someone who can be more than just a help, but also part of the family. We would like to find someone who is warm, caring, empathetic, and fun. Someone who loves to play with children and likes to do activities with them and will treat them as their own. We also will need help with household cleaning and cooking, so we hope to find someone who can contribute with this. We love Asian food, so knowing how to prepare Asian meals is a big plus!
It's important that you are responsible, hard working, and devoted to the children. We would like to find someone who is at least 25 years old, as this job requires maturity, and life experience.
Duties and responsibilities:
The first year of your stay the responsibilities will be mainly housework, cleaning and cooking with some babysitting. I am currently at home and not working this year so I will be mostly taking care of the children. There will be some weekends where we need babysitting but otherwise you will have weekends off. I go back to work part time in one year, and then you will be watching my infant son during those hours. I will arrange for fun activities for you to do together, like swimming, signing, playgroups etc. My 3 year old daughter will also need to be taken to preschool and picked up, and may on some days also need to babysat for. Other duties will be making lunchbox, breakfast, after preschool snack, and dinner.
Daily household cleaning, vacuuming, organizing, laundry etc.
We are very kind and relaxed people, and will welcome and include our au pair into our family. We love to laugh, and have fun, and hope you do too! We live right in the city so everything is walking distance, so a license is not necessary. We will give spacious and private accommodations. You will have your own bathroom, with your own living room and bedroom. We can also provide a small kitchenette if you would like. You will also have your own entrance for your own privacy. We do hope that we can all eat dinner together and all do fun things together. Language courses are offered here n the city, which is walking distance f I'm our house.
We would prefer to find someone who already lives in Denmark or Norway, and who has previously worked as an AU pair.
If this sounds interesting to you and you think we would match well together, don't hesitate to write to us and tell us a little bit about yourself! 😊
Best regards,
Ingrid and Sune
P.S. please send us a gpersonalized email, mass emails will not be responded to!
It's important that you are responsible, hard working, and devoted to the children. We would like to find someone who is at least 25 years old, as this job requires maturity, and life experience.
Duties and responsibilities:
The first year of your stay the responsibilities will be mainly housework, cleaning and cooking with some babysitting. I am currently at home and not working this year so I will be mostly taking care of the children. There will be some weekends where we need babysitting but otherwise you will have weekends off. I go back to work part time in one year, and then you will be watching my infant son during those hours. I will arrange for fun activities for you to do together, like swimming, signing, playgroups etc. My 3 year old daughter will also need to be taken to preschool and picked up, and may on some days also need to babysat for. Other duties will be making lunchbox, breakfast, after preschool snack, and dinner.
Daily household cleaning, vacuuming, organizing, laundry etc.
We are very kind and relaxed people, and will welcome and include our au pair into our family. We love to laugh, and have fun, and hope you do too! We live right in the city so everything is walking distance, so a license is not necessary. We will give spacious and private accommodations. You will have your own bathroom, with your own living room and bedroom. We can also provide a small kitchenette if you would like. You will also have your own entrance for your own privacy. We do hope that we can all eat dinner together and all do fun things together. Language courses are offered here n the city, which is walking distance f I'm our house.
We would prefer to find someone who already lives in Denmark or Norway, and who has previously worked as an AU pair.
If this sounds interesting to you and you think we would match well together, don't hesitate to write to us and tell us a little bit about yourself! 😊
Best regards,
Ingrid and Sune
P.S. please send us a gpersonalized email, mass emails will not be responded to!
Bevorzugt eine Person in der Altersgruppe
25 - 35 jahre |
3 jahre |
Erforderliche Arbeitsstunden durch das Profil
30 - 30 stunden |
4.000 - 4.500 DKK pro monat |
Wohne in |
Frühester Starttermin
18-10-2017 |
Spätmöglichstes Startdatum
01-05-2018 |
Kürzester Zeitraum, in dem das Kindermädchen benötigt wird
24 monat(e) |
Längste Zeit in der das Kindermädchen erforderlich ist
24 monat(e) |
Englisch |
{{result}} |
Amerikanisch | |
Niederländisch | |
Philippinisch |
{{result}} |
Kümmert sich um Kinder unter 2 Jahren | |
Kümmert sich um Kinder mit besonderen Bedürfnissen | |
Hat Führerschein | |
Hat Ausbildung in Erster Hilfe | |
Kümmert sich um Haustiere | |
Kann schwimmen |
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Ihre Nachricht an Ingrid wurde gesendet