25 Jahre alt weiblich | |
Kameruner nationalität | |
Lebt in Kamerun | |
Ich suche Arbeit als au-pair |
6 jahre erfahrung in der kinderbetreuung | |
Mit Führerschein | |
Muss Erste-Hilfe-Zertifikat haben |
Letzte Anmeldung
Freitag 29. Mrz 2024
Samstag 10. Feb 2024
1. Experience with Children: Your kids deserve someone who knows how to love them and what they need to do at all times; someone with problem-solving skills, who is responsible and protective of them; someone who is proactive and does not always need the parents to tell them what to do. You are looking at that "someone"...It's me! I have years of experience caring for children. I am very hardworking and currently caring for over 6 children.
2. True Love & Care: Leave your kids in the hands of someone who truly loves and cares about children. I am very passionate about children because they are so innocent, tender, simple, and yet so vulnerable. I just love their smiles, their innocence, and their humility. I helped my mom raise my two little siblings. I have been visiting and bringing gifts to less privileged children for years. I volunteer to care for children. I spend a lot of time with these little people.
3. School Work: I will serve as a Live-in Tutor, helping your kids with homework, writing and reading.
4. New languages: Let you children learn to speak French, or construct basic sentences in an African language. For example, "Ek kan Afrikaans praat." How cool is that!
5. Music, Songs & Dance: Imagine your kids learning and singing African songs; imagine your kids dancing to popular Cameroonian music like "Makossa" and "Bikutsi." That's the au pair spirit!
6. Games and Sports: Your kids will learn new games, some of which are the results of my creativity. We will also play football (soccer). You can call me the Football (Soccer) Nanny. I love soccer!
7. Kitchen & Food: I love cooking. I just love cooking! In my free time I create special recipes and delicacies, and people love them. I know how to create healthy, delicious foods for children. I will work with the parents to figure out what is best for your children.
8. Environment & Culture: In our today's world, protecting the environment is very important. It is important to me too. I have received a Certificate in Environment & Sanitation. I can show the kids a few things about caring for our environment.
9: Entertainment: I love to entertain kids. We will create new games, artistic designs like drawing or painting. We will also take some time to learn some song and dance the day away! I believe that happy children make happy parents, and happy parents make happy communities.
10. Others Duties: As a part of the family, I will help out by performing any other duties necessary. For example, cleaning, dishwashing, laundry, grocery shopping, dressing up the kids, making the beds, fixing breakfast, school pick-ups and drop-offs, etc.
You must be asking yourself: Who is this girl?
Well, My name is Danne (but some call me Michelle, and I don't even mind). I am a 24-year-old Cameroonian with a Bachelor's Degree in my back pocket and a great passion for children. I am currently assisting at a Children's Home in Ghana. I am very fluent in French.
I hope you will be the happy family to have me serve as an Au Pair or Nanny in your humble family.
Thank you for taking the time to read my profile. Hoping to talk to you soon. Ciao!
Verhandlung |
Wohne in |
Vollzeit |
Nationalität Familie
Philippinisch | |
Britisch | |
Dänisch | |
Afrikanisch | |
Brasilien | |
Mehr anzeigen
{{result}} |
Frühester Starttermin
31-03-2024 |
Spätmöglichstes Startdatum
27-09-2024 |
Kürzester Zeitraum, in dem das Kindermädchen benötigt wird
10 monat(e) |
Längste Zeit in der das Kindermädchen erforderlich ist
24 monat(e) |
Englisch | |
French |
{{result}} |
Kümmert sich um Kinder unter 2 Jahren | |
Kümmert sich um Kinder mit besonderen Bedürfnissen | |
Hat Führerschein | |
Hat Ausbildung in Erster Hilfe | |
Kümmert sich um Haustiere | |
Kann schwimmen |
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