19 Jahre alt weiblich | |
Britisch nationalität | |
Lebt in Philippinen | |
Ich suche Arbeit als au-pair |
4 jahre erfahrung in der kinderbetreuung | |
Muss Erste-Hilfe-Zertifikat haben |
Letzte Anmeldung
Dienstag 30. Jul 2024
Hello, my name is Sarah Hernandez Sumigcay, a highschool graduate, 18 years old, turning 19 this coming december 7. I'm from the Philippines, and I'm applying for an aupair job since I have already experience in taking care of a child, when my father and mother are at work every single day, I'm the only who was able look after my little brother since he was a new born baby until he grew up at the age of 4 years old even up until now, I'm still looking after him when my mom is away. I change his diaper, cook food for my siblings, and been doing other household chores such as cleaning the whole bathroom, sweeping and mopping the floor, washing laundry, hanging wet clothes, folding clothes, taking pets to bathe and feeding them, dusting, and a lot more. I think I'm fit for this kind of job since I also worked at a restaurant for almost 6 months, there, I always maintain the surroundings clean and trained a little bit in cooking. And now I'm currently working as a caregiver for my grandmother as she couldn't walk that much and already need an assistance, so my aunt hired me to be my grandmother's own caregiver. My aunt pays pays me 350pesos per day. I do the same things as what I did when I took care of my little brother, like I cook food for my grandmother, and feed her every single day, I wash her when she poops, I put a bed pan under her and wash her really well, I make sure no feces are left. I make sure that she's always clean, smell good, and let her drink medicine on time. I take her for a bathe, brush her dentures, have a nice pedicure and manicure, and doing household chores too.
I'm doing all this while studying at the same time. I've been trying my best to manage my time well. Therefore, I could say that I'm experienced enough to be able to go for an aupair job.
other details about me:
I would want to go for an aupair because I want to help my parents to pay debts and to be financially stable. I would also want to finish my college university when I finally have my own earnings. So I keep on hoping for a family/host to hire me as a nanny for their children.
I'm also willing to do other activities such as sports, arts, music, since my hobbies are drawing, painting, crafting. I also love to play some instruments like guitar, ukelele, piano. I also love singing and dancing. I like playing sports such as swimming and playing badminton.
I'm a born again christian, I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior, I'm from a decent and educated family background and my whole family is also believers of Jesus as their God.
We could have a devotion once a week or anytime you want, this is possible only if you and your fam wants to. But I respect and understand if it's really not in your preference.
I am a very friendly to animals as well. Since I'm fond of animals, expect me to have a great caring skills to cats and dogs or other animals.
I have a passport which could be available for 5 years. But sadly, I still don't have a driving license since I don't know how to drive yet. But I'm willing to be trained when it comes to driving cars or any vehicles. I'm determined in anything you want me to be trained in.
I hope that I could find a loving and a decent family/host which I'm going to be serving as a nanny.
That's all, thank you and Godbless you and your fam.
850 - 750 USD pro monat |
Wohne in |
Vollzeit |
Nationalität Familie
Britisch | |
Brasilien | |
Spanisch | |
Französisch | |
Ukrainisch | |
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{{result}} |
Frühester Starttermin
31-07-2024 |
Spätmöglichstes Startdatum
31-07-2024 |
Kürzester Zeitraum, in dem das Kindermädchen benötigt wird
25 monat(e) |
Längste Zeit in der das Kindermädchen erforderlich ist
25 monat(e) |
Englisch | |
Filipino | |
Tagalog |
{{result}} |
Australien | |
Deutschland | |
Großbritannien | |
Grönland | |
Island | |
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{{result}} |
Kümmert sich um Kinder unter 2 Jahren | |
Kümmert sich um Kinder mit besonderen Bedürfnissen | |
Hat Führerschein | |
Hat Ausbildung in Erster Hilfe | |
Kümmert sich um Haustiere | |
Kann schwimmen |
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