27 Jahre alt weiblich | |
Araber nationalität | |
Lebt in Algerien | |
Ich suche Arbeit als au-pair |
4 jahre erfahrung in der kinderbetreuung | |
Mit Führerschein | |
Muss Erste-Hilfe-Zertifikat haben |
Letzte Anmeldung
Donnerstag 15. Sep 2022
Dienstag 10. Mai 2022
• Hello dear host family❤️
I hope to have an amazing experience with a nice family, I want to have a wide cultural exchange, and i don't want to just taking care of the kids, I want to be a great friend to You and to your kids..
and also I want to master the English like native speakers, i hope you can help me with that
• My personality
Well, I am a simple girl, humble and respectful, funny and shy at the same time, I like to have fun and try new experiences in my life..
- Respect is very important to me.. Passionate to help everyone, people, children, animals And anyone who needs help...
open-minded to all personalities and cultures, I respect the privacy of others...
I am very loyal and you can count on me
• My hobbies:
I have a lot of hobbies and I think this is good for children they will like that because I like to have fun and play very much, and I can do many activities with them and make them happy....
_Some of my hobbies are: music, acting, dancing, modeling, Travelling, shopping books, sports, animals, video games, watching anime and move's,................
• My skills :
energetic, flexible, cooperative, quick to adapt, good dealing with children, good physical ability, funny with kid's, multi-tasking, manual skill, sympathetic, cautious, motivating, positive energy, skilled in solving problems between children, many fun activities
• My language skills:
My native language is Arabic (can teach you and your children if you are interested in Arabic)..
My English level is (B2) now, and I am learning more every day. I try to integrate English into my diary of my life. I am getting better day by day... I hope to have your help to master English like native speakers..
I speak some French, and I try to learn Spanish And Italian....
_it will be an honor for me if you teach me your native language
• My education
I completed high school, then I studied in a private paramedical school, I have an accredited certificate in a nurse assistant
I was working for a few months in a private clinic..
(I think my modest experience in nursing will be good for children)
•My experience
I take care of my nieces all the time for years, my sisters work full time all week, and they put their children at my parents' house, so I take care of them with my mother all week, and I give them all the full care
- their ages between: 11 , 10 , 7 , 5, 3
I'm very careful in dealing with them and overly caring
Please Feel free to text me and ask me anything you want to know about me
I will be happy to communicate with you ❤️❤️
Verhandlung |
Nicht bevorzugt |
Vollzeit oder Teilzeit |
Nationalität Familie
Kenianisch | |
Schottisch | |
Trinidadianisch | |
Dänisch | |
Philippinisch | |
Mehr anzeigen
{{result}} |
Frühester Starttermin
06-04-2022 |
Spätmöglichstes Startdatum
30-09-2027 |
Kürzester Zeitraum, in dem das Kindermädchen benötigt wird
24 monat(e) |
Längste Zeit in der das Kindermädchen erforderlich ist
50 monat(e) |
Arabisch | |
Englisch |
{{result}} |
Nicht spezifiziert |
Kümmert sich um Kinder unter 2 Jahren | |
Kümmert sich um Kinder mit besonderen Bedürfnissen | |
Hat Führerschein | |
Hat Ausbildung in Erster Hilfe | |
Kümmert sich um Haustiere | |
Kann schwimmen |
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