Welcome to the Ung I Huset. The place where families and au pairs find each other
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Au pair website

Here at our au pair website (The former ung-i-huset.dk/en/) you have the possibility of finding an au pair or a family from anywhere in the world.
But how to find the au pair who is best suited to the host family? We have developed a search function which allows you to define the criteria for the person you seek. You can then create a “search-agent”, which will automatically send you emails, when there appear relevant profiles for you to look at.

With an au pair you get a helping hand to mind the children, cook the food and other household chores, but you should be aware that the objectives of an au pair are also about learning the language, the culture and what it is like living in the respective countries.

One piece of good advice is to start searching for your au pair in good time. The earlier you start your search, the more chance you have of finding the right au pair and getting all the formalities sorted out. We have many new au pairs enlisting daily, so you will always be able to find new candidates.

Find au pair without agency

We have made things simple for au pairs and families to find each other without going through a bureau. Our profiles are always fresh and active, so you will find current advertisements instead of ages old profiles that are no longer active.

How to become an au pair in Europe

We have a large database of families from Europe seeking au pairs. These families are typically in England/London, Ireland, France/Paris, Spain and Italy, but also Germany, Denmark etc.

You can create a free profile here on Aufini.com, after which these families have the possibility of contacting you. They will also help you with the practical things such as residence permits, contracts and such.

Age limits in Europe

According to the European Council’s convention, you must be aged between 18 and 30 to be an au pair in Europe. There are though exceptions to this rule. You may already begin at 17 years old in England, Scotland, Ireland, Spain, Germany and Switzerland. The same applies to the upper limit which in several countries can be lower than 30 years.

If you wish to apply in the USA, the age limits are 18-26 years.

You will also find that your pay varies considerably from country to country. Generally the pay levels are from 250-375$ per month.

Finding an au pair family

When you begin searching for a job in an au pair family, it is a good idea not to set your sights on one country. Once you have narrowed your search to for example Europe, most find the greatest success by being open as to whether the family live in UK, Spain or perhaps Germany.
To find an au pair family, you just set up an account profile on this homepage, and choose that you are an "au pair" seeking a "host family".

What is it like being an au pair?

It is no longer necessary to come from a fine rich family to take a year abroad as an au pair. Today all boys and girls from any background can take part. It is seldom that a family demands an educational standard, rather that you have enthusiasm, and are able to work independently. It is of course an advantage if you have experience looking after children and cooking. Naturally it is very seldom that you are expected to be solely responsible for the preparation of food for the entire household, but it is quite normal to be expected to make food for the children.
Additionally, ordinary household chores such as cleaning and tidying up are a large part of an au pairs work. It is therefore an advantage if you have experience of normal housework.

What is an au pair?

Au pair is French for "on a par" or equal. The term means much more than just travelling and living together with the people of another country. As an au pair you have the opportunity to work and live abroad, whilst learning the language and especially the culture from the inside, something which is impossible just being a tourist.